
Volunteer For Peace Activities


Education is a human right… Believing in Education to be the key to change the world, VPeace provides access to quality education and supports the disadvantaged groups (Orphans , street children, disabled and child mothers) get education to lead a purposeful life with hope.



Through various entrepreneurial skills training, VPeace engages in the fight against poverty and supports Refugees and host communities’ economic development.

About Us


The conservation of our environment is the responsibility of everyone to protect the existence of humanity. Maintain a green dress of our world.

Kasemire Diansi


Everyone deserves a safe environment free from abuses, wars, rape, domestic violence, neglect and intimidation.

Ending Gender-Based Violence-GBV is our top concern to promote a safe and better place for all.

WASH- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Water is life and promoting a disease-free world is our responsibility.

About Us

Talent Promotion

Youth have been mostly absorbed by rebel groups partly because they lacked chances to develop their talents. It is therefore our duty to identify, promote, nurture and support youth talents.